Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day: Waking Up Early and Finding a Smile

I’ve never been one to call out “Happy Holidays!” or even “Happy New Year!”  And fitting my birding personality, I tend to welcome the New Year rather early on the 1st rather than late night on the 31st. 
I don’t make resolutions (I promise).  And I don’t tend to wax poetic on reflections and forward resolve on this particular date.  I save that waxing and waning for the other 364 days of the year.
I’ll openly confess that 2011 was not one of my favorite years.  It just seems most of it was kind of hard.  But I’ve always loved the saying, “leave them laughing when you go.”  So this past year went; and I’m kind of glad.  Let me leave it laughing--or at least, finding a smile.  
I thought these photographic observations "just might" help start your 2012 with a smile:
Is it the leaders or the followers that get us in a tight spot?

If you sit on the edge of the pool, be prepared to be splashed by the show-offs.

If you jump into the pool, be prepared for the universally playful “water push” that young and old give better than we receive.

I never look graceful when I’m caught with lime green gummies stuck on my bill.

My eyes are often bigger than my stomach.

I keep having this dream where I’m falling…or was it that someone pushed me away?

Is living green as easy as talking about going green?

I don’t always approach sticky situations with my best side.

I’m not always good at keeping a poker face, especially when I’m hurting.

Yes, I have a fear of heights; but I’ll climb almost any mountain to get a better view.

We don’t have to all share the same view, but couldn’t we just spend more time together in peace, harmony and ….

May all your 2012 days be birdy days.

1 comment:

  1. Heres to 2012 becoming you "best Year" Remember the "Good News". The Best is still to come!



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